director: tucker bliss
produced by: reset content
post: cabin edit
editor: talia pasqua
producer: hope duhaime
assistant: adira baum
colour: sam gilling
mix/design: nikolay antonov
ep: jen beitler
md: dave morrison
head of production: john moran
producer: matt mclennan
production supervisor: jessica shapiro
1st ad: garreth moses
2nd ad: garth hodgson
dp: christophe collette
1st: richard dalgleish
cam op: bill dagliesh
dit: chris bolton
gaffer: torbin doege
key grip: doug stover
sound mixer: tim kubbinga
production designer: cailtin byrnes
wardrobe stylist: rachel mosuk

produced by: reset content

ep: jen beitler

md: dave morrison

head of production: john moran

producer: matt mclennan

production supervisor: jessica shapiro

1st ad: garreth moses

2nd ad: garth hodgson

dp: christophe collette

1st: richard dalgleish

cam op: bill dagliesh

dit: chris bolton

gaffer: torbin doege

key grip: doug stover

sound mixer: tim kubbinga

production designer: cailtin byrnes

wardrobe stylist: rachel mosuk

post: cabin edit

editor: talia pasqua

producer: hope duhaime

assistant: adira baum

colour: sam gilling

mix/design: nikolay antonov